Jessica Gonzalez E-mail:
A Message to Students and Parents
Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! I look forward to this school year and helping you expand your knowledge, thoughts, and ideas. In order to ensure academic learning and growth among our students, it is essential that we maintain a positive classroom atmosphere that is free from disrespect, disruptions, or distractions of any kind. I encourage and expect you to always do your best. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
· If the student is absent, he or she must report to the Attendance Office on the sixth floor, before coming to homeroom.
· If the student is tardy please secure a pass from the teacher or any faculty member that detained you.
· All students must be in their seats at the start of class.
Students and parents are now able to review student’s grades online through the Miami-Dade public school portal.
Grades are based on the following:
1. Tests and quizzes (Tests administered on Tuesday and Thursday)
2. Class work and homework
3. Projects and presentation
Assignments are due on their due date, not after. No assignments will be accepted after the assigned due date and you will receive a zero for the incomplete work
Make-up (Only if the absence is excused)
· It is the student’s responsibility to ask for all assignments.
· Students must make arrangements with Ms. Gonzalez to make up tests and quizzes.
Electronic devices must be turned off and never visible in the classroom.
Dismissal from class is given by Ms. Gonzalez.
Respect for yourself and others at all times.
**Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and progressive discipline.
**All School Rules apply in this classroom.
**I recommend that if you have difficulty keeping papers in order that you get a binder or folder.